Stories And Inspiration

Get To Know GO FAR: Meet Intern Claire Berry

Submitted by on Mar 23rd 2021 - 9:00AM. | Perma Link

GO FAR: Claire- We are so glad to have had you join us as an intern this year! Thanks for answering a few questions for us.
What inspired you to intern with GO FAR? 
CB:The GO FAR pillars and goals inspired me to intern. I believe that living a healthy lifestyle not only physically, but mentally is extremely crucial. I believe in helping younger generations succeed, and providing them with the information and tactics to do that. Robin also inspired me to intern for GO FAR. Her positivity, encouragement, and passion for the GO FAR program was contagious, and I knew then that I wanted to be involved. 
What has been your favorite experience of the internship so far? 
CB: I have enjoyed working along side Robin and learning from her. She is an extremely wise individual who cares about her community. I have enjoyed expanding my knowledge on living a healthy lifestyle. I have also enjoyed sitting in on meetings hearing what other individuals have to bring to the table. 
After graduation, what do you plan on doing? 
CB: After graduation, I will be going on an 11 month missions trip. I will be serving and volunteering my time over seas. 
What have you learned from your internship that you feel will be beneficial to you going forward? 
CB: I have learned much information from my internship that will be beneficial towards my future. It has been rooted in me to continue to live a healthy life, and the importance of that lifestyle.I have learned the importance of sharing health and nutrient information with those around me. I have learned information about different types of food. This information I will be able to carry with me, and utilize. 
We know you will do great things Claire and we feel privileged to watch you succeed!

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