Stories And Inspiration
Drawing #5 Winner: Heather Cook of Brier Creek Elementary, Thomasville, NC
Submitted by Anonymous on Oct 11th 2013 - 8:00AM. | Perma LinkCongratulations to Heather Cook, a speech pathologist at Brier Creek Elementary in Thomasville NC and winner of our fifth drawing for a free GO FAR curriculum or student race kits. Heather has been a frequent entrant in our 10th-anniversary drawings, so we're glad to see her name chosen!
"I want to start a running club at our school," she says. "As a runner myself, I see how running is good for self discipline, setting personal goals, and achieving personal goals as well as physical fitness for mind and body."
Heather has been in touch with neighboring schools that have GO FAR in recent years and received approval from her principal -- ready to get running! Congratulations, and thanks for your good work.